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A Message from Tom:

This tool was created by a generous group of volunteers, including two brilliant software developers and a team of volunteers who collectively spent several thousand hours reviewing, assessing, evaluating and time-stamping every one of our YouTube videos by subject.

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Segment Samples
From materialism to spirituality, getting physicists to open their mind to the idea that the world is similar to a virtual reality has the potential to create not only a revolution in physics but a great spiritual revolution.
A glimpse of Tom's views and journey
Can it be harmful to want to do good?
Pathological altruism
How can you reduce the need for sleep?
Do beings look human because of our expectations?
Appearance in the non-physical
Good ways to feed new concepts into the field of consciousness.
We are here to modify the quality of our consciousness. It comes with the quality it has accumulated during all previous lifetimes.
Is the quality of our consciousness predetermined?
Do we learn different lessons in other realities than we do here on earth?
Lessons in other realities
Why do we have deep déjà-vu experiences?
Deja vu
About intention to influence the output of random number generators.
Random number generators
Has Tom incarnated or visited other physical realities?
Tom in NPMR
The body creates constraints and paranormal things are hard to do. Consciousness leads and body slowly follows with practice.
Paranormal States
Does time cease to exist when we change the focus?
Is time fundamental?
Example of how a Probability Distribution works using 26 possible outcomes.
Simple example of a random draw from a Probability Distribution
Out of body experiences explained with techniques.
Other NPMR experiences.
Out of body experience
Experiments on subjective experiences. Can we generate protocolls on that?
Subjective experiences
Tom comments on professor Bruce Greyson ‘s research  telling us that the notion that matter creates consciousness does not explain the experimental data. Sometimes you can have consciousness without a brain…
The brain and the non-physical
Which spiritual teacher and channels are authentic and helpful.
Spiritual teacher and channels
How they work. Which influence they have.
Quantum computers
An explanation on how an individual's filters can influence their interpretation on reality, how the removal of fear is the ultimate answer and tips on how to control those fears.
How personal filters and fears can affect our reality.
Where is consciousness made, where is it evolved from?
The origin of consciousness.
Closed mindedness and demagoguery.
Closed minded scepticism
Reward & punishment system through our feelings - Where does this feedback system originate from.
Reward & punishment
Describing experiences and processes
Toms career on modeling physical models
Tom’s opinion on crypto currencies.
Tom’s opinion on crypto currencies
Consciousness is a nonphysical information system.
Information is subjective.
It is the fundamental reality.
It is evolving by lowering its entropy.
Consciousness and reality
An explanation of hierarchy and enforcement of rules in LCS.
Hierarchy in LCS
Most of rescue missions are lessons for those involved.
Helping the dead
We experience challenges at the level at which we are, and our constraints change as we grow up.
The change of constraints
Perhaps trying too hard. Needs to start from beginning. Initial OOBE may have been given by LCS to help. May be trying too hard to replicate idealized OOBE.
OOBE - only once but now just fall asleep.
Consciousness is an evolving information system.
Love is its nature.
Attributes of consciousness
Sometimes we may have visions or experiences that are individual to us that don't appear to others around you. Tom explains how and why this may happen and how to make sense of these types of experiences.
Understanding data streams and how to interpret them
Getting out of being an observer and getting into an active role in Larger Reality can be hindered by intellect. If one stops trying to get more actively involved, it's more likely to work better overtime.
How to get into action in Larger Reality instead of just being an observer?
When one is in a being-level space of Larger Reality, it's better to feel your way through experience instead of thinking, assessing and analyzing it. Intellectual thinking and analysis take you out of being level.
Thinking through experience vs. feel through experience
Common misconception has it that everything one does during meditation is related to ego; this could be true, but doesn't always have to be.
Action in meditative state
Answers and results of healing and remote viewing exercises
Answers of exercises
The fields in physics predict the effects seen inside the VR, but fields are not real or cause anything. Actual cause is the VR rule-set. Discussion regarding Wheeler and “It from Bit”.
Action at a distance
Application of VR characteristics to the Double slit experiment. In VR time is fundamental and moves forward. Objective physical facts are shared to conscious observers. There can be no conflicting objective PMR facts. Once a potential particle is observed, it must then act like a material particle. Beforehand, it's a possible particle.
Introduction to proposed Double Slit Experiments
Experiments meant to show that detectors are not critical, rather only the recorded “which way” data results in double bars. Exp 1a/b have both detectors reports be anonymous to R1, so expect a diffraction pattern as per standard erasure experiment results. Exp 1c adds a which way device that randomly (based on a radioactive particle decay) injects whether data is unique or not. The random injection happens after the screen result. Prediction is that the LCS will manipulate the radioactive decay process, i.e. cause a major miracle.
New Double Slit experiments (1a/b/c)
How time runs in different VRS.
Consciousness is a digital information system. Reality is information. Consciousness is the only reality.
Consciousness defined
The punishment for making bad choices and doing evil is a regression in spiritual progress.
Punishment after death
March of science towards virtual reality paradigm.
Scientific progress
Tom summarizes the Functionality of consciousness with a series of metaphors, describing what is needed for the Larger Consciousness System to work and do the things we know it does.
The evolutionary process of Consciousness
Change yourself! 
First step is to get rid of your own fear.  Then you can be useful to others and build relationship with others.  Then you can become a teacher-helping other people get rid of their fear. 
But if the need to change comes from ego, then you become a part of the problem.  
Being positive is important as is learning to accept situations that we can not change.
As we change our institutions will change.
How can we make this a better world?
Issues of effective communication between the genders and their solution.
Communication between genders
Extraterrestrial life from the point of view of the larger consciousness system.
Extraterrestrial life
The limitations of the avatar and the level of dependance of consciousness on the avatar.
Avatar and limitations
Gender-specific problems related to the reincarnation process.
Gender-specific problems
Are there 2 ways to reduce entropy?
Love and fear
Is a 'Kundalini surge' part of a general priming of growth-change of k the general population. This is in relevance to a conversation you had before, where you agreed the population is being primed for change.