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How to get rid of Fear/Ego;

Tom discusses an approach to releasing fears,
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Open minded skepticism is the general philosophy espoused by MBT to obtain knowledge. In this clip from a Youth Fireside Chat, Tom is asked which is more important.
Is it better to be open-minded or skeptical
Quantum Mechanics is not magical and it doesn't need to be a mystery. Tom Campbell's has a model of consciousness as an information system that explains how and why quantum mechanics works.
Quantum Mechanics is not magic
Does eating sugar negatively affect your consciousness? Tom goes into his personal experiences regarding this part of his diet.
How eating sugar affects your mind
Tom discusses the extension to the delayed eraser double slit experiment
Delayed eraser double slit experiment
Does geometry have any relationship with consciousness? What about things like the so-called "Sacred Geometry"? Tom touches on the nature of geometry and math in general.
Sacred Geometry - Math and the Logic of Quantity
Fun and humor are important parts of life. Having fun and getting rid of fear go together. If we're fearful we take the details of life very seriously. When you can lower your fear, life gets more fun. Getting upset doesn't help anything, it just adds to the negativity thats already there. Go outside, play games, have fun!
What can we do to have fun while growing up
Have fun with your children at their level. Get involved, play with them, and embrace the fun! Engage in fun and frivolous activity. It's great to be alive!
Enjoy your children
If you change your perspective about things that upset you, they won't upset you anymore. Appreciate the good things in life. Feeling gratitude is the first step to having more fun in life. Get involved, connect with things, be a part of life. Play through your life.
Change you perspective
We have fun in childhood, but as we get older we start to take ourselves too seriously. We start incorporating performance anxiety into our lives very early, usually during our younger years in school. This is also where fear of inadequacy comes in. Teachers manipulate their students with fear. The antidote to fear is confidence.
Fun is part of growing up
Negative reinforcement never works on cats!
Negative reinforcement and Cats
Using Tom's park is a fun way to learn how to use your imagination to get into intuitive space. Problems are opportunities to learn lessons.
Having fun at Tom's Park
Laurie talks about how she found fun in taking walks and creating her own fun with it.
Fun while doing something new
Tom and Laurie discuss the Day in the Park event where people get together and go to Tom's Park
A day in the park event
How do we live gracefully with uncertainty? It can be difficult to determine whether one is acting out of fear or intelligence.
Living Gracefully With Uncertainty
How do we help someone who is fearful? Can we get rid of someone else's fears?
Helping Other's Fears
How do we know whether out thoughts, emotions, and behaviour are actually a clear expression of our quality of consciousness, and not just caused by constraints of the ruleset? Constraints such as brain damage can severely limit the choices available to the Free Will Awareness Unit.
Brain Damage
This question focuses on the characteristics of the many other virtual realities Tom has discovered and how they compare to the virtual reality we live in as far as the growth potential for our learning.
Other Realities
Why would consciousness create roadblocks such as fear on its path to growing up? The Larger Consciousness System doesn't create it, but Individuated Units of Consciousness can because they have free will and make choices and the potential was there. The creation of fear could not be prevented without also taking away free will and stunting the potential for growth and becoming love.
On the Origins of Fear
The feeling that individual free will and choices are being constrained by society occurs because our society is becoming more fearful. In a love-based culture, the collective perception is different. A society made of people that voluntary work together and help each other assures a maximum individual freedom of choice.
Collectivism vs Individualism
Why are horrific experiences allowed to happen to people and animals? Do we always fully experience horrible events?
Horrible Experiences - Why Are They Allowed to Happen
Tom explains how helping kids learn is a little different than teaching them things.
Helping Kids Learn
This question focuses on putting more balance into our lives with choices.
Balancing Goals
How do we help someone who is depressed? What are some good options or things to try to help?
Healing Depression
Can a relationship survive an affair? While neither condoning nor condemning the actions of others, Tom offers suggestions and insight from a bigger picture viewpoint than our society’s pressures and standard judgments on the subject.
Can a Relationship Survive an Affair
The imagination space and the dream space are also places where you have opportunities to make choices. It's a being level space where you get to meet yourself in a place where you get to do things from a place of authenticity.
Imagination and Dreams
When we are in the thick of busy and challenging times we often feel like we need a break. When looking back on it we see how engaged we were and often feel like it was a great time after all.
Looking back on busy and challenging times
The IUOC is another player, it gets a datastream that defines the reality. The LCS is the one that has to be aware of all the logic in the system.
The IUOC is a player
Science used to talk about laws, but now we have theories and evidence. Proof is now the domain of Whiskey and Math.
What is Proof? Science Wants Evidence
Tom suspects that the Larger Consciousness System (LCS) was still in the process of growing up while our virtual reality was already being inhabited by us, the Individuated Units of Consciousness. This may explain why there is a such a stark contrast in the God of the Old Testament versus the New Testament. Old mythological tales may have some truth to them, as the rules and interference done by the LCS was much different in the past versus the present.
The Beginnings of this Universe - How Our Virtual Reality and the System Evolved
Tom discusses the fears around AI, the downsides, and the potential upside benefits.
The Information Age Downsides
Tom explains how we can more fully understand and implement the life lessons that come our way.
Integrating Our Lessons
With so much anger and angst in the world today, what is the cost of it from a consciousness point of view?
The Cost of Anger
Tom explains the Bereitschaftspotential which has been used as an argument against free will. It is actually a technique the LCS uses to prevent "video lag" from occuring in this VR.
No Free Will? How to Explain the Readiness Potential (Also Called Bereitschaftspotential)
Within the workplace and in life situations, how do we best deal with the negativity from others?
Dealing With Negative Beings
Tom discusses the emotions that hold us back from our growth and a more productive life.
Guilt and Shame in the Big Picture
Tom discusses how to maximize your intuitive space.
Developing Intuitive Abilities
There are two broad ways to approach life. One is about manipulation and control. The other is about just making the best choices you can make, and not trying to make events and people behave the way you want. Just let that go.
Letting Go of Controlling Others
Tom speaks about creativity and artistic work, and how it comes from the being-level or intuitive side. The intellect has to gather the information and learn the techniques and then work together with the intuitive side.
Intuition and Creative Work
Tom discusses consuming eggs and their effect on consciousness. A lot of foods will effect the body and your mind and consciousness.
The effects of eggs on body and consciousness
Like most radiation, bluetooth and electromagnetic radiation can have effects on the body, but that depends on probability and accumulation.
The effects of bluetooth technology on body and consciousness
Tom is responding to a question from an individual who processes information mainly from the intellect, but also receives information intuitively and sometimes with physical sensations. It is a question of positively interpreting the information.
Intellectuals and Intuitive Insights
Tom answers the often asked questions, what are your definitions of consciousness and what is information?
Consciousness and Information Defined
We strive to do our best and contribute to a lower entropy world.  How do our choices really affect us and others?  Lowering your entropy is the goal for positive evolution. Making positive choices moves us all forward towards a better life.
Can We Devolve Our Consciousness?
It's common that we get individual data streams and information to help us learn, boost our potential for success, open our minds, etc. It's helpful and it's an opportunity for growth and it happens to persons of interest.
Individual Data Streams and Your Experiences
Tom explains the difference between the new 2023 binaural beats and the old set made in 2003.
How are these new Binaural Beats different and special?
Both of the binaural beat sets (2003 and 2023) explore basically all the sonic space between the frequency ranges from 32hz - 512hz. The results you get are greatly affected by your preferences and personal experiences.
MBT Binaural Beat Sets
The question posed to Tom addresses the concern for the treatment of lower forms of consciousness e.g. insects. Each bug does not represent a whole IUOC. There could be an IUOC that represent all kinds of insects, or it could be an NPC.
Insects? Tom Campbell Discusses Lower Forms of Consciousness
Motivation and focus issues in high school and education in general are very common. How do you deal with that? It helps to have a bigger picture of what is going on.
Lack of Motivation in Education - How to Deal With It?
Receiving nudges from outside of oneself - Is there something to look for to become more aware of them? Another word for it is intuition.
Becoming Aware of Nudges
Your intuition is where you will find the best information on making decisions in work and career situations. You will need to spend a decent amount of time thinking about these questions and follow the probable pathways and get a general feel for it.
Decision making in work and career situations